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Hotel chain overview for Doncaster, United Kingdom

There are 19 hotels and 8 hotel chains in Doncaster. 11 of them are independent hotels. Holiday Inn Express is the biggest chain with 191 rooms and second biggest is Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts (182 rooms).

Avarage ratings from visitors for the biggest hotel chains in Doncaster. Holiday Inn Express has 8.7 of 10, Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts 8.3, Hilton Garden Inn 8.8, Mercure 7.7 and Best Western Premier 9. (?)
Marketshare divided between the biggest hotel chains in Doncaster. Holiday Inn Express has the biggest marketshare with 191 rooms. (?)
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Holiday Inn Express, an IHG Hotel
Bullrush Grove, Balby, Doncaster
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Holiday Inn A1- M Jct 36, an IHG Hotel
High Rd, Warmsworth, Doncaster
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Hilton Garden Inn Racecourse
Doncaster Racecourse Leger Way, Doncaster
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154 -
Mercure Centre Danum Hotel
High Street, Doncaster
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Best Western Premier Mount Pleasant Hotel
Great North Road, Doncaster
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Best Western Plus Pastures Hotel
Pastures Rd, Doncaster
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Campanile Hotel
Doncaster Leisure Park, Bawtry Road, Doncaster
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Kings Chamber, by Marston's Inns
2017. Selby Road, Doncaster
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27 -

Independent hotels

There can also be a number of independent hotels that does not belong to a specific hotel chain. Click here to search for all hotels, including independent.

Latest additions

The most recent additions to our database in Doncaster.