Teritoria in Dijon

Teritoria has two hotels in Dijon.

One that has four stars and one with three stars. Teritoria is one of 26 hotel chains in Dijon. Together all hotels from Teritoria represents about 2.9% of the room capacity in Dijon. The hotels has a combined review score of 8.1 out of 10 which is around avarage in Dijon. Maison Philippe Le Bon has the best rating with a score of 8.3. Maison Philippe Le Bon is also the least affordable hotel as of today (27 April). Maison Philippe Le Bon is also the most affordable hotel as of today (27 April). Check-ins can be made from 00:00 or 15:00 depending on hotel.

Maison Philippe Le Bon

18 rue Sainte Anne, Dijon



Hôtel Wilson - Teritoria

1 rue de Longvic, Dijon


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