Soho Boutique in Salamanca

Soho Boutique has two hotels in Salamanca.

One that has four stars and one with two stars. Soho Boutique is one of 15 hotel chains in Salamanca. Together all hotels from Soho Boutique represents about 2.7% of the room capacity in Salamanca. The hotels has a combined visitor rating of 7.8 out of 10 which is below the avarage in Salamanca. Soho Boutique Salamanca has the best rating with a score of 8.1. Soho Boutique Salamanca is also the least affordable hotel as of today (27 April). Soho Boutique Salamanca is also the most affordable hotel as of today (27 April). Check-ins can be made from 14:00 or 15:00 depending on hotel.

Soho Boutique Salamanca

Plaza del Angel 5 - 7, Salamanca



Hotel Mercado by gaiarooms

Calle San Juan de la Cruz, 7, Salamanca


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